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Impact of Cystic Fibrosis (CF) on Fertility

The Impact of Cystic Fibrosis on Men and Women’s Fertility by Dr Akash Surana, Fertility Specialist, NOVA IVF Vashi Mumbai

Infertility can be caused by abnormalities in the reproductive system of men and women who have cystic fibrosis. Fortunately, infertile female and male patients with CF can become parents through assisted reproductive technology (ART). This article explains how this disease affects men and women. The hereditary disease Cystic Fibrosis (CF) makes a person susceptible to lung infections. It also affects other organs such as the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and reproductive system. In order to manage CF adults (both men and women), reproductive function is now a major concern.

cystic fibrosis cf how it affects the male and female fertility - Impact of Cystic Fibrosis (CF) on Fertility

What is the impact of CF on fertility? Shares Fertility Expert

  1. It is well known that Cystic Fibrosis can cause chronic lung problems and frequent infections. It can also affect one’s reproductive health. Untreated CF in men can cause infertility or azoospermia, a condition where there is no measurable sperm present in a male’s ejaculate. Men who have CF are less likely to produce high-quality sperm. CF can act as a barrier to sperm penetrating. Spermatogenesis will show abnormalities such as a reduced number of mature spermatids, maturation stoppage, thinner ejaculation and lower volume semen. The total blockage or absence of the sperm channel makes male CF patients infertile. Congenital bilateral vas deferens is the name of this defect. This defect is called congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens (CBAVD).
  2. The thickened mucus in the reproductive tract of CF women could cause fertility problems. Despite CF’s association with infertility among women, its underlying cause is still unknown. Women with advanced CF experience ovulation problems. Those who have CF may experience smaller ovaries and smaller uteri as well irregular oestrous cycle, decreased ovulation, or all of the above.
  3. Women with CF may experience irregular or missed periods. Most women have their periods on the 28th of the menstrual cycle, the normal length. Many women, however, will experience their period too early or late. Regular periods are irregular whether they’re early, late, missed, or prolonged. Your periods can become irregular due to a variety of factors, including hormonal imbalances and birth control pills. Stress, PCOS, extreme exercise, or taking certain medications may also cause them. Signs of irregular menstruation include heavy or light flow, periods lasting longer than 7 days, or shorter than 3 days, as well as bleeding during menopause and between menses. The severity of lung disease, obesity, and diabetes linked to CF are all factors that can affect fertility.

What Can men and women with CF do to become parents? Explains Dr Akash Surana

Those who have CF should discuss their issues with a fertility specialist, as they can help fulfil their dreams of becoming parents. In vitro fertilisation (IVF), insemination, surrogacy and other assisted reproductive technologies are available to women. Genetic tests on both partners are required to determine if the child is at risk. Before any treatment can begin, a counsellor will provide advice. The procedure is performed in order to obtain sperm. This is necessary when men are unable to ejaculate, or if they have azoospermia. In vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic injection of sperm (ICSI), can both be used to retrieve sperm in order to obtain pregnancy.

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