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Steer Clear of These 8 Fertility-Impacting Foods for Aspiring Fathers

The Killing Foods that Intending Fathers Must Avoid – As more couples struggle to conceive, the focus is shifting more towards men’s reproductive issues. It is vital that you know the foods which can negatively impact your sperm. Find out which foods to avoid!

Canned Foods

Bisphenol A, a chemical found in many canned food products has been associated with lower sperm counts and poorer sperm qualities.

What should you be eating instead? Fruits and vegetables, whether fresh or frozen, are always good choices. There are also many healthy can foods that do not contain BPA. Check the label before buying!

Processing Meats

New research has shown that men with a high intake of processed meats have lower levels in sperm motility and concentration.

Researchers at Harvard University conducted the study. They examined the diets and lifestyles of more than 3,000 males between 18-20 years old. Participants were then asked to describe their eating habits, and their semen was analyzed.

Published in the Journal Epidemiology were the findings that showed men who consumed the most processed foods (such as sausages, bacon and lunchmeat), had a sperm average concentration 29% lower than the people who ate less processed meats. These men had also a lower 33% sperm mobility.

The study does not show that eating processed meats causes sperm to be less healthy, but it suggests that the two may have a connection. If you are trying to get pregnant, it may be a good idea to reduce your consumption of processed meats.

Fried Foods

Fried foods are linked with a reduction in the quality and quantity of sperm. In a study published in Andrology, men who consumed the most fried food had lower motility and sperm count than those who consumed the least. A study published in Epidemiology found that men eating fried food more than twice a week have a lower number of sperm than those who don’t.

Trans Fats

Trans fats can be harmful to your health. The fats are formed when hydrogen is added to vegetable oils, changing the structure and making it more difficult for the body to digest. Trans fats increase your LDL (bad) cholesterol while lowering your HDL cholesterol. This increases the risk of developing heart disease.

Consuming food that contains trans fats can lead to insulin resistant, which in turn is one of the major factors in type 2 diabetic. Trans fats are also linked with an increased risk for stroke, cancer and cognitive decline.

Natural Fertility - Steer Clear of These 8 Fertility-Impacting Foods for Aspiring Fathers

Carbohydrates and Sugar

It has been proven that sugar can negatively impact sperm quality. Men who consumed the most sugar in one study had a lower concentration of sperm than men who consumed the least. Sugar reduces sperm motility, which means that they are less likely to fertilize the egg.

The health of sperms can be negatively affected by refined carbs like white pasta and bread. It has been found that a diet rich in refined carbohydrates can lead to a lower concentration of sperm and fewer sperm motility.


Alcohol consumption has a negative impact on your health, including your sperm. Alcohol consumption can damage the DNA of your sperms, leading to problems with fertility and birth defects. Alcohol can decrease testosterone production, which is necessary for healthy sperm. If you are trying to get pregnant, avoid drinking alcohol.

Soy Products

It’s better to be cautious and stay away from soy-based products. Soy has been shown to have negative effects, such as a lower sperm motility and count.

Pesticides, Chemicals

Other chemicals and pesticides can negatively impact sperm health. Pesticide exposure has been shown to reduce sperm motility and count. BPA, phthalates and other chemicals have been shown to reduce sperm count. Choose organic fruit and vegetables and stay away from processed food to minimize exposure.

The conclusion of the article is:

It’s important to eat the right food for everyone, but especially when trying to be or soon will become a dad. Any man who is looking to have healthy sperm or increase his chances of having a baby should avoid the 8 foods listed in this article. A well-rounded diet with fresh vegetables, fruits, and grains, as well as proteins, can help you achieve your goals. These steps will help you to ensure the success of your baby making.

What Is Sperm Quality? And How Does Food Impact It?

There are several factors that affect sperm’s quality. The sperm count, motility (the ability to swim), and morphology are all important. What a man consumes can affect all of these factors.

Studies have found that men who consume a large amount of processed meat tend to have fewer sperm than their counterparts who do not. Hot dogs, lunchmeat, bacon and other processed meats are all examples of this type. If you are trying to get pregnant, it is a good idea to reduce your intake of processed meat.

In other studies, men who consume a large amount of soy are found to have lower counts of sperm than their counterparts who do not. Soy is rich in phytoestrogens that can act as estrogen-like hormones. A high estrogen intake can lower sperm counts. If you are trying to get pregnant, it is best to reduce your intake of soy.

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