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Safe Food Choices During Pregnancy

As pregnancy is not a medical condition, it’s usually unnecessary to follow a strict diet or develop specialized nutritional plans unless there are complications, like gestational diabetic or anemia.

Use a tracker to keep you informed of your journey during pregnancy. Also, follow these basic guidelines for a healthy eating plan: Eat healthy and fresh food more frequently, in smaller amounts, and thoroughly chew every bite.

Aim to get 40-50% your daily calories from carbohydrate sources, 25-35% of them from protein, while the rest should come from fats.

Some foods should not be consumed during pregnancy. Let’s look at the healthy and safe food choices for pregnant women.

Safe foods rich in carbohydrates

Porridge, baked goods and bread are all good sources of carbohydrates. Also, pasta and fruits, berries and starchy vegetables like potatoes, carrots and beets.

Dietary cereals (different grains and whole grain flour) form the foundation of the diet. Eat fruits and vegetables with a high amount of vitamin C, beta-carotene, and other B vitamins.

Everything should be consumed in moderation. This includes berries and fruit. Eating too much grapes, for example, can cause an allergic reaction and even an increase in temperature.

It is best to stay away from unripe pineapples. Pineapples can be harmful to a woman’s health because they contain a substance that causes miscarriage and premature birth. Papayas that are not ripe contain chemicals which stimulate contractions of the uterus.

Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables under running water.

Safe foods rich in proteins

The formation of tissues and organs in the fetus is affected by protein. During the second trimester, when your baby is growing rapidly inside you, pay more attention to what proteins you eat.

Meat (especially poultry), dairy products, fish and milk are all good sources of protein. Don’t forget to eat eggs, legumes, and nuts – you can get the complete range of amino acids.

These foods are also rich in microelements. Folic acid is one of the most important micronutrients. Doctors recommend that pregnant women take it before and during the first three months of pregnancy.

You will find folic acids in liver, green beans and peas. You should also note that dairy products contain zinc and calcium. Magnesium is found in nuts.

Safe food rich in fats

Be aware of the types of fats in your diet. Diversification is important. The majority should be unsaturated. It is important to also include saturated fats, particularly fatty fish, in your diet. ).

If you buy fresh milk at the farmers’ market, it is important to boil it first before consuming. Also, avoid dairy products that are made with this milk while pregnant.

It is recommended to avoid eating large predatory species such as king mackerel and sharks.

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These are the main principles

Energy requirements increase during pregnancy. Energy requirements are not significantly different in the first trimester. However, it is important to eat foods that contain folic acids, iron and omega-3s.

These foods are green vegetables, milk products, meat, and fish. In the second and third trimesters, you need to increase your energy intake. This can be achieved by eating more vegetables, grains and fruits.

The importance of proteins is especially high for women who are pregnant, since they form the basis for both mother and child tissues as well as milk production. Meat, dairy products and fish are all good sources of protein. Also, grains, seeds, nuts, beans, and cereals. Vegetarians should consume legumes, nuts, and seeds.

Eating food that is not smoked, roasted or salted, should be avoided. Boiling eggs can also help to reduce the chance of getting salmonellosis.

What about water? Pregnant women should drink 1.9-2.8 liters per day. Drinking water frequently in small quantities is best, because the intestines might not be able to absorb large amounts of water at one time.

Drink water in a glass instead of plastic, since phthalates can negatively affect your child’s growth. It’s also a good idea to limit your child’s caffeine consumption, including strong coffee and green tea.


Every woman should be aware of the importance of this period. Nutrition is important for both pregnant women’s health and their child’s development. During these nine months it is important to ensure that the pregnant mother consumes healthy foods, and her body receives all of the macronutrients.

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