Counting calories is a common method of weight loss. You may be surprised that the type of calories consumed can also influence weight loss. The calorie-containing nutrients of protein, carbohydrate, and fat, are all processed and used differently by your body. Protein and fat have similar satiety levels and will make you feel fuller, whereas carbs are the least satiating. It doesn’t mean that carbs are bad, but it does support the notion that calories don’t all equal.
You should pay attention to what you eat if you want to lose weight. It may also be useful to track calories or grams of nutrients, but eliminating certain foods may help you reach your goal. To maximize nutrition and prevent deficiencies, all weight loss programs should include a wide variety of foods. Start by focusing on foods like lean proteins, grains rich in fiber, fruits and vegetables, dairy products and alternatives, as well as healthy fats. Avoid the foods below that can slow down your weight loss.
White bread’s low fiber content can make you feel hungry shortly after eating. The fiber in bread is well known to increase satiety. Research also suggests that dietary fibre intake may be linked with a lower body mass.
Swap your white bread with whole grain or wheat alternatives to increase your fiber intake. Comparing the fiber levels of different breads at the local supermarket will help you choose those that have higher values. By switching from low-fiber bread to a product that has a few grams, you can increase the feeling of being full and reduce your overall caloric intake.

Even though a pouch of fruit snack is typically under 100 calories per serving, you may want to consider substituting a whole piece of fruit for the snack. Although this will result in eating more calories, it is likely to be worth the extra fiber and nutrients that fruit provides.

The calorie count of many popular treats, such as cinnamon rolls, muffins and croissants may shock you. A single muffin from the grocery store can contain more than 500 cals. Many of those calories are derived from unhealthy sources like sugar and oil. Pastries are high in calories and have a low level of satiety. This will slow down your weight loss.
Try making healthier pastries like whole-wheat bread and bran muffins. They can be just as convenient for meals or snacks and contain more nutrients and fiber than the store-bought versions.

Sugar in candy is another source that can slow down your weight loss. Candies containing nuts have a high level of sugar, but they also contain healthy fats and proteins. Do not get us wrong, a handful of nuts are a healthier option than candy that is fruit-flavored. These candies contain minimal protein and fat. For a healthier alternative to sugary treats, try fresh fruit or dark chocolate that contains a large percentage of cocoa.

Ice cream, another popular sweetened product, also has a high fat content in a small package. A mere half-cup of icecream can contain close to 150 calories. Let’s face it: who eats a mere half-cup of ice cream?
You should only use ice cream on special occasions. Regular desserts with less sugar are more suitable. Make your own banana “ice-cream” for a delicious and easy option. Blend frozen bananas with a splash or milk in the food processor until it is smooth. Add a few dark chocolate chips, or drizzle a little nut butter to make it feel like a dessert.

It can be difficult to choose the right cereal for you when there are so many choices available. Some cereals contain more than 10 grams of sugar per serving. These high-sugar breakfast cereals may be delicious, but they will likely hinder your weight loss.
When describing calories in foods that are mostly sugar or solid fat, the term “empty calorie” is often used. Search for cereals with less than 5 grams of sugar in each serving. Or, swap cereal for oatmeal, fruit, and nuts to get a more balanced meal.

There are some simple ways you can update your cookie recipe so that it is more supportive of your goals. You can swap your white flour with whole wheat, or replace the sugar in the recipe by substituting unsweetened apple sauce.